Watch an informative video from a fan of Traffic Sword on how to maximize its potential! (Thanks to Bob and Rex for putting together this great video!)
You see how our site drove you to click on links and create this account?!
Well, you now have your very own page, ranking you as number 1. And you can use it to drive more traffic to your site!
The way you make traffic is by convincing OTHER people to join this site. Once they join and add their own site, your site will drop to number 2 (on THEIR PAGE only). They will promote that page. And get more people to join. And on and on and on. It is just like a chain letter.
Here is the URL to promote:
We are ranked #1 on!
The more people that come to your page, the more traffic you will get. Why? Because Traffic Sword is much like a chain letter -- you can get people to sign-up "below" you, and they, in turn, will find others, and so on.
Here are some suggested promotions (just cut and paste from any of the forms and place the HTML directly on your site right now):
Promotion Link: Code:
Of course, you can include any links or graphics you like. This is just a provocative suggestion that encourages users to click.
We are ranked #1 on!