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Website Helps Entrepreneurs Find Success with an Internet-based Business Internet entrepreneur Chrisjan Immelman has launched a new website that is geared to helping highly motivated people find success with an Internet-based business. The website, www.JanibaDistributors.com, features the most successful businesses now being used by thousands of ordinary people worldwide. “You won’t get rich overnight with these businesses, but the earnings potential is unlimited,” Chrisjan states. In addition to businesses, Chrisjan also makes available high quality educational resources geared to helping entrepreneurs gain leverage in the home business industry. One such resource is “Dotcomology: The Science of Making Money Online” by Stone Evans, also known as the Home Biz Guy. The e-book is free to download from the site without obligation. Chrisjan is also offering a free one-year subscription to his daily newsletter, Home Business Tips. A $147 value, the newsletter contains valuable tips that can help any Internet entrepreneur succeed. For more information, go to: www.JanibaDistributors.com.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Distributing Business Ideas To Become Your Own Boss

Distributing Business Ideas ,To Become Your Own Boss With Home-Based Career

When Ronald Reagan took the oath of office for the Presidency in January of 1981, one of his earliest pledges was to make life a little easier for the small businessperson. Reagan believed that America was founded on the backs of intrepid folks who took a chance and gambled everything they had on a chance to start fresh. Small business today is the embodiment of that idea.

Less regulation and lower taxes during the former California governor's first term in office sent the number of small business idea formations skyward and the industry, despite increased taxes and regulation, has never looked back. Today, as much as ever, there are outstanding opportunities in the small business market.

Think about it. Big business ideas puts out a controlled product that appeals to the masses. When selling nationwide, little attention is paid to particular regional differences. Small business fills this void. It's not necessary, in an environment of lower overhead and more flexibility, to have a product that necessarily appeals to the masses. You might produce T-shirts and apparel with local slogans and insignia on them out of your own home. This product will likely appeal to the locals and certainly may have some fascination for tourists, too. It's not something a major company is likely to fashion because of its limited audience attraction. But you don't need to sell as many units to operate a successful small business.

There are numerous examples of small businesses having local flavor that became an overnight sensation nationally. Ben and Jerry's ice cream was a Vermont tradition that suddenly caught on big everywhere. Numerous franchises and grocery distribution outlets later, the original owners are ready to cash in- big time!

Perhaps you have that kind of ambition. It may be that your idea for a home-based business idea may have a national market. It's wiser to start smaller if you don't have a lot of initial capital. If you have access to capital, that's a different story. Wayne Huzienga, owner of the Blockbuster video stores, borrowed heavily to finance his outlets. The first store didn't make any money. But he believed in his idea- to have numerous video copies available for two or three nights at a time. He thought people would pay a little more for this kind of convenience. The first ten stores didn't make any money. Neither did the first 100 stores. But Huzienga knew Americans. Suddenly the profits started to come and Blockbuster has developed into a commercial trademark for most shopping outlets in this country.

But you don't have to make it that big to be a financial success. You can make thousands of dollars a week from your own home without having to invest very much capital for business idea start-up.


Most Americans dream of being their own boss. This is true for many reasons. First, America has that kind of promise. If you play by the rules, you can accomplish virtually anything; just ask any number of Korean and Vietnamese immigrants who fled their countries to come here and start up their own businesses. They are truly a late 20th century success story in this country.

Second, it's usually not very fun working for someone else. There are plenty of rules to follow. There are specific hours to be in the office. There are specific sales goals that must be met. And on and on. Your own business isn't going to be a vacation, but when you go in early and stay late, you're doing it for you; not for the person who signs your paycheck.

Third, the control of running your own business is both exciting and, at times, overwhelming. Responsibility is at your feet. There is no one to pass the blame off to, but small business owners wouldn't have it any other way. They take a chance every day by running their own shop. Yet most wouldn't trade it for working for someone else again if they can possibly help it. The risks are great, but the rewards can be greater.

There are many sad stories around this country about people who dreamed big, who had a good idea, but who couldn't summon up the courage to take it any further than their own thoughts. Afraid to take a chance, they passed up the risks and the rewards of striking out on their own. At the end of their lives there is always that doubt, always that wonder, always that speculation, about what their lives would have been like if they'd only taken that one chance.

The independence that comes with being your own boss also calls for rigid discipline on your part. Because you are the one setting your own hours, there is no one to tell you what time to start, what time to knock off, what time to take lunch or how much work must be accomplished each and every day. This is the drill you must teach yourself. You have to set your own goals and objectives, financial and otherwise. You'll have to analyze your market, what you will produce, how much it will cost to produce, who you will distribute the product to and how much you will charge.

You must know what your profit margin will be on each unit. Knowing the profit margin and how long it takes to produce one unit, will help you to set up your work schedule. It might be ten to twelve hours a day to start, much longer than you worked for someone else. But instead of a paycheck equal to a small portion of the profit, you'll keep the entire profit margin for yourself. It's a whole new world!


Layoffs at big businesses have become a way of life. Companies are constantly undergoing a reshuffling of the players and the companies under their umbrella. The information age produces data instantly, the analysis of which can be accomplished quickly. Once digested, companies make moves much earlier than in the past. Products evolve so much faster today, and the improvement in technology can mean the need for less human involvement.

But technology has a bright side. Computers, fax machines, modems and telephone answering machines have evolved to reasonably priced equipment which can make you an instant player in whatever field you choose to work when set up in your own home. The future of America may well be in people working at home and communicating with each other through increasingly sophisticated equipment.

Let's say you work for ABC Company, a large firm that is undergoing its ninth rightsizing move of the year. This time around you get the pink slip. Your services are no longer needed at the end of the month. Here's two months' severance pay. See you later. It's been a great ten years.

This is not uncommon today. There have been thousands of layoffs at the Fortune 500 level in the last decade. But unemployment has not changed that dramatically! Why? Where are these people going? Why aren't more of them filing unemployment claims, especially as Congress made several efforts to extend benefits to the unemployed?

Some of these people were able to find full-time work relatively quickly. Still others took the severance package and simply retired, being eligible (or nearly eligible) for Social Security and perhaps a pension benefit. Many of these individuals became a part of what has come to be called the contingent workforce.

The contingent workforce consists of temporary, part-time, contract and leased employees along with people who simply decided the time was never better to start their own business. This is the group that doesn't have a true employer-employee relationship, yet are working and often making more money than their full-time labors yielded in the past.

Not everyone likes it. But the chance to be your own boss has appealed to many Americans, those with that true early pioneer spirit that former President Reagan spoke so warmly about during his tenure as the nation's Chief Executive. Armed with today's technology, many have set up their own businesses and have gone to work- for themselves!

They've established their own businesses after deciding what fields they wanted to go into. It may be the field they just abruptly left- or it may be something they've longed to do for some time. Perhaps it's a hobby they believe can make it big. Ask Mrs. Fields, whose cookies that pleased friends and family are now being eaten in nearly every major airport food court in the country.

Working as a contract, temporary or leased employee gives you the benefit of a paycheck without much of the stress. You go home at the end of a day without the same worry you carried as an employee- unless stress is just part of your character! But this isn't the same as working for yourself, as more and more people are finding out.

The downsizing by big business in the last few years has created the opportunity for many to finally make the big push- and start their own company. They are the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and all of the other jobs to start. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel. If you never take the chance, you could be another of those sad stories where, in the sunset of life, you sit and wonder what might have been...


There is one thing you can count on when you begin your own business. You won't be bored. There are plenty of details to work out; a number of tasks that await each day. You won't find yourself looking at the clock very often, , that's for sure!

What do you do? That's easy! What ideas do you have? More importantly, what would you like to do? What are your current interests? What hobbies do you have that you'd like to work at more and make them pay?

Let's say you have a vivid interest in history. You've spent a lot of time reading history books. Let's say you've even specialized and most of your reading is about the American Civil War. Do you think there might be something you can do about the Civil War?

Of course there is! If you have a computer and subscribe to the Internet, why not try polling people via e-mail about their interest in a Civil War newsletter that you will publish monthly- on line! A substantial interest will help you set a subscription price and begin enrolling people. If you have enough interest, this could be your full-time job. You'll spend the month coming up with the assorted items for the monthly newsletter, from articles about unusual aspects of the war, to commemorations of anniversary-related events that month, to news about meetings held everywhere for other Civil War enthusiasts, to book reviews of the latest volumes written. If you have an interest in the Civil War, you'll know that there isn't any period of history, which has generated more interest and more books about the particulars.

But what if you're not into computers? If you're interested in the Civil War, contact the local universities and colleges and find out who teaches the subject on their campus. Contact those individuals for suggestions first. It could very well be that they long to write their own book about the Civil War, but don't have the time during the academic year to do the necessary research to write it on their summer break. You have the time, though, and they may be willing to hire you as a researcher for them.

You should also buy any Civil War magazine you can lay your hands on and turn to the classified sections of their pages. A current issue is best. Read everything you can. There may be direct advertisements needing help, or names and companies with interests in the Civil War whom you can contact. Find out if there are any local Civil War Roundtable chapters in your area. Find out if there are any Sons of Confederate Veterans (or Union) or United Daughters of the Confederacy (or Union) chapters locally. Attending those meetings will bring you into contact with a number of like-minded individuals. Some of these folks might pay you to write about their ancestors. Or they may know publishers who specialize in Civil War history who would be willing to listen to an idea you had for a book. Or you could contact some local community colleges and put together your own course on the Civil War and get paid to teach it.

This is the kind of analysis you need to do with any of your ideas. Make lists! Put your idea at the top and think of all the possible connections to it. Leave no idea out! Nothing should be considered silly or off-limits! This is your business now! The most obscure contact can yield the greatest results. Try them all!

This should also serve notice that any idea is possible for business. If it's something you like to do, why not try it? Many of these ideas can be followed up on your own time, even while you're still working for someone else.

If you hate the job you're currently doing, wouldn't it be great to work at something you truly love? Especially if what you love has an interest for others- enough interest to have someone put down a few bucks for your product or service. The Civil War is a great example. People who have an avid interest in it will shell out a few dollars to read anything about the subject. The more they read, the more they want to know. And there are thousands of ideas that can sustain the same kind of interest!

Securing clients for your service is the key. New subscribers to a newsletter will more than offset the ones who, for whatever reason, don't renew. The more new customers you obtain, the more likely your business will experience tremendous success.

Prospecting for new clientele is an ongoing process. It never stops! Some people may not care for that end of the business, but you'll be different. Why? Because you're working in your own business, doing what you love to do in an area that you have a great amount of knowledge and curiosity. When you talk about it, there will be no hiding the fact that you truly believe in your product or service. Talking about it is fun. Talking about it is prospecting. Hence, prospecting is fun!

How do you get people to open up today when you're in a conversation with them? You ask them about a subject you know they like - and then let them talk. Prospecting in your business is going to be much like that. You're going to feel compelled to talk to people about a subject because it's your favorite topic. Those that share that interest are going to like listening- and talking about it! They're prospects! They're interested! They're potential clients!

You may choose to advertise your product or service. This has more start-up costs to it, depending on where you advertise. Try and be market-specific! In other words, advertise to an audience most likely to be interested in your subject matter. For Civil War buffs, there are plenty of magazines that you can successfully target an audience. Advertising the same product or service through your local newspaper at two or three times the price makes less sense since it's more money and not as efficient.

You can also reach an audience through some type of direct mail. This also carries a significant expense in terms of postage costs. Thus you want to be sure that you are reaching an audience base most likely to respond. This should be a secondary approach, however. Reaching out via the phone lines is more cost-effective.

You can start getting news out about your product or service through your family and friends. They can do a lot of word of mouth advertising for you. The more people they talk to, the faster the word about your business gets around. If you are also prospecting by calling others, even remote acquaintances, all the better. The more people who know, the more likely you can get referrals. This is the hardest part of the business- getting enough people to know about what you're doing. But once you know how to do it and you've started the machine rolling, this all becomes easier. You may end up with more clients than you know what to do with- a great situation to have!

There are a number of resources for you to review and contact as you get started. The advice and information you can obtain may help you to avoid some of the more common mistakes. Every connection you make might lead you to a nest of prospects. Many of the organizations listed here can help you focus in on the right direction to find the best business idea and opportunity and save you time and money pursuing people who have no interest in what you're doing.



Working From Home, by Paul & Sarah Edwards (Jeremy P. Tarcher, publisher, 1994)

Making Money With Your Computer At Home, by Paul & Sarah Edwards (Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, publisher, 1993)

The Work-At-Home Sourcebook, by Lynie Arden (Live Oak Publications, publisher, 1994)

Homemade Money, by Barbara Brabec (Betterway Books, publisher, 1994)

Retired? Get Back In The Game! by Jack & Elaine Wyman (Doer Publications, 1994)

How To Make Money With Your PC! A Guide To Starting and Running Successful PC-Based Businesses, by Lynn Walford (Ten Speed Press, 1994)

How To Succeed As An Independent Consultant, by Herman Holtz (Wiley & Sons, publisher, 1993)

Posted by Janibadistributors.com


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Distributing How To Accommodate A Home-Based Business Idea


Almost everyone needs or wants more money with an online business idea than they currently have, and with this desire most of these people would like to start some sort of extra income producing project. The trouble is, not many of these people seem able to fit "a second job" into their time schedules.

It's true that people are very busy, but extra time for some sort of home-based business idea with extra income producing project can almost always be found. It may mean giving up or changing a few of your favorite past-times, such as having a couple of beers with the guys or watching TV - but if you score big with your extra income project, you will have all the time you've ever wanted for doing whatever you want to do.

The first thing to do is to sit down with pencil and paper, and list your daily schedule. What time do you wake up - then step-by-step, list everything you do each day. Most people will find that they have about 3-hours each day that can be utilized in a more constructive or efficient manner. As we've already noted, you may have to give up the time you waste in your local pub or a few of the television programs you watch, but it should be worth it in the long run.

Efficient time management boils down to planning what you're going to do, and then doing it without backtracking. Start by making a list of the things you want to do tomorrow, each evening before you jump into bed. Schedule your trips to the store or wherever to coincide with other things you have to do, and with your trips to or from work. Organize your trips to take care of as many things as possible while you're out of the house. Take stock of the time you spend standing around shooting the breeze - especially the time you spend on the telephone - and eliminate all that isn't necessary.

Whatever chores you have to do at home, set aside a specific time to do them, and a specific amount of time to devote to them. For instance, just one hour a day on yard work would probably make your property the envy of all your neighbors. Don't try to do a week's work in one big flurry. Whether it's painting your house, fixing leaky faucets, or mowing your lawn and trimming your shrubs, do a little bit or one particular job each day and you'll be amazed at your progress.

Take care of all your mail the day you receive it. Don't let those bills and letters pile up on you. If you're unable to pay a bill immediately, file it in a special place that's visible and note on the envelope the date you intend to pay it. Answer your letters the same day you get them.

The important thing is to think of your time as your most valuable asset - it is - so organize what you have to do, and what you want to do. From there, it's just a matter of arranging your priorities.

Once you start listing and planning what you want to do, and them carry out your plans, you'll find plenty of "extra time" for handling virtually any kind of home-based income-producing project. People in general may not like routines or schedules, but without some sort of plan relative to what is supposed to be done, the world would be lost in mass confusion. Laws, ordinances, and regulations are for the purpose of guiding people - we live according to an accepted plan or way of life, and the better we can organize ourselves - what we have to do, want to do, and end up doing - the more productive and happy we become.

The secret of all financially successful people is simply that they are organized and do not waste time. Think about it - review your own activities - and them see if you can't find a couple of extra hours in each day for more constructive accomplishments.

When you begin planning, and then when you actually become involved in an extra-income-producing endeavor, you should work it exactly as you've organized your regular day-to-day activities - on a time-efficient basis. Do what has to be done immediately - don't try to get done in an hour something that's going to take a week. Plan it out on paper what you have to do, what you want to do, and when you're going to do it - then get right on each project without procrastination.

Finally, and above all else, when you're organizing your time and your business idea, be sure to set aside time for relaxation. Be sure to schedule time when you and your spouse can be together. You must not involve yourself in anything to the extent that you exclude other people - particularly your loved one - from your life.

Taking stock of the time you waste each day, and then reorganizing your activities is what it's all about. It's a matter of becoming time-efficient in everything you do.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ditributing a Checklist Of Questions To Answer Before You Buy A Franchise Business Idea


Franchise businesses such as Wendy's, McDonald's and Jack-In-The-Box are booming. The people setting up franchise Business ideas and opportunities know a good thing, and are really promoting this idea. Franchises for just about every conceivable kind of business Idea are being sold in ever increasing numbers.

Some franchises are very good. They treat both the franchisor and the franchisee very well. Others are very one-sided. Still others are almost total rip-offs that trap one into paying ten to fifty times the actual value of the business idea, equipment, or what ever it is they are trying to get you to buy.

Before putting any money into a franchise, you should investigate everything completely. We've prepared a list of questions you should be asking, and should get satisfactory answers to before investing.

1. Has your attorney studied the franchise contract, discussed it completely with you, and do you both approve it without reservations?

2. Does the franchise business idea require you to take any steps which are either illegal or even border on illegal, or are otherwise questionable or unwise in your state, county or city?

3. Does the franchise give you an exclusive territory for the length of the franchise period, or can the franchisor sell a second or third franchise in your territory?

4. Is this franchisor connected in any way with any other franchise company handling similar products or services?

5. If you answered yes to the above question, what is your protection against the second franchising company?

6. Under what circumstances can you end the franchise contract, and at what costs to you?

7. If you sell your franchise, will you be compensated for your goodwill or will it be lost to you?

8. How many years has the firm offering you the franchise been in operation?

9. Does the company offering you this franchise have a reputation for honesty and fair dealing among its franchisees?

10. Has the franchisor shown you any certified figures indicating exact net profits of one or more of its members, and have you personally checked the figures with these people?

11. Will the franchisor assist you with:
a) A management training program;
b) An employee training program;
c) A public relations and advertising program;
d) Capital;
e) Credit;
f) Merchandising Business ideas?

12. If needed, will the franchisor assist you in finding a suitable location?

13. Is the franchising firm adequately financed so that it can carry out its stated plans?

14. Does the franchisor have experienced management, trained in-depth?

15. Exactly what can the franchisor do for you that you cannot do for yourself?

16. Has the franchisor investigated you carefully enough to assure itself that you can successfully operate at a profit to both of you?

17. Does your state have a law regulating the sale of franchises, and has the franchisor complied with that law to your satisfaction?

18. How much equity capital will you need to purchase the franchise and operate it until your income equals your expenses?

If you can get the answers to each of these questions, and those answers satisfy you, then you're probably thinking about buying a pretty good franchise deal. However, if you're in doubt about any of these points, be sure to check it out and know the answers for certain before you invest or sign anything.

Buying a franchise can give you a measure of security, and in some cases, sure-fire profits.  Idea Business surveys show that fewer than 20 percent of all new franchised businesses fail. This is in comparison to a 60 to 80 percent failure rate for all new businesses started in this country each year.

Information regarding specific franchising ideas can be found in the franchising directories, which are generally available at the local library. Often there will be a notice posted in franchise outlets themselves.

If you can afford the entry into this business Idea, statistics are on your side. You are now armed with some CAUTION and STOP and GO signs.

JanibaDistributors.com See Work from Home Business Ideas And Opportunities

Distributing How To Start a Work From Home Big Money Business Idea.

Starting a home Business Idea Business has many advantages

When you start a business Idea, like any venture in life, you want it to have the best chance for success. Starting one from your home has unique


You won't be paying rent on a store or office. And probably you won't immediately need a separate phone with the charges for installation and

monthly service. And you are already heating and lighting your home. Therefore, you avoid the burden of these additional monthly overhead


You'll be using many things you already own so you can save money by not buying a desk, lighting fixtures, a water cooler, or the other

furnishings people generally buy to set up a separate business location.

If you need help with the actual work that's involved, try to get members of your family to help you (more on this later). And you can start your

business part-time while keeping your present job. Later as it grows you can make it your full-time occupation, and if you wish, move it out of

your home into larger quarters...better suited to a business, which may be growing by leaps and bounds.

Presiding over your own domain

A man's home is his castle--and it can also be his "gold mine." There are many people who make a very good living right from their home. It's

comfortable, it's conveniently located (you can walk to work in about 15 seconds) and you can dress the way you like. You can arrange the

furniture to make a workspace that suits your exact needs and tastes. You can choose the hours you wish to work and, if you have the energy,

initiative and ambition, you can even be in more than one kind of business Idea!

Working in your home has other advantages; you have no transportation expenses and you don't waste time or energy in crowds or rush hour

traffic. You don't have to worry about getting along with a large group of co-workers or finding a decent place to eat lunch. And you don't have

to go out in all weathers, sleet and snow or broiling sun.

But there are some drawbacks to working at home and the largest of these is self-discipline. You must learn to discipline yourself. Everyone who is his own boss has the problem of utilizing his time and energy most effectively and not wasting time on pet projects that are not essential to the business. Self-discipline is easier to attain if one goes each day to a separate place of business because most business premises do not have the comforts, conveniences and distractions that one has in one's own home. The danger in working at home is that the advantage of comfort and convenience can turn into a great disadvantage.

Set up a definite work area

Later on we'll tell you some tips on how to conduct business in general. But let's first find a part of your house that you can use as your Idea

business or work area. It should be a spot that is comfortable but away from distractions. Your children deserve attention but not during your

working hours (more on that later). So set yourself up far from where the kids usually play. Too close to the kitchen isn't wise because you are

too close to the "food or drink" temptation. A quiet spare bedroom can be ideal as can a finished basement or garage if they aren't too hot or

cold. You may need an extension phone put there and, indeed, after your business Idea gets rolling you may want a separate line just for business.

If you have a spare desk or table that's fine, but a card table can do for a starter. Adequate lighting is necessary and a filing cabinet also is a

good thing to have on hand. You can add whatever other business devices and equipment you discover you'll need as time goes by.

You and your Family

It will be necessary to explain to your children that even though you are at home, you are, in a sense "not at home," that you are working. This

does not apply to an emergency, of course, but for nearly all-ordinary moments it means they are not allowed to disturb you. You may even have to lock the door that leads to your work area.

On the other side, there is the situation regarding other adults in the household, from whom you might want some help from in running the

business Idea. This has been called the "honey-do" problem: honey, do this; honey, do that. It's best to come to some understanding with your

spouse (and any other adult in your home) about just how you are going to handle this problem.

It's quite sensible to desire the help of those other capable adults because they can take some of the burdens of the business off your shoulders.

However, from both a business viewpoint and from the human relations viewpoint, it's best to have a clear understanding with each of them as to

what kind of things they will and should do (answer the phone, open mail, pack and ship merchandise, etc.) and what they definitely are not to do

(make payments to people without your authorization, make agreements, deals or contracts without asking you). Such advance agreements can

avoid a lot of aggravation and make everything go much more smoothly.

"Hello, this is Daddy's business Idea

You must realize that there will be some (charming) complications to running a business Idea from home and one of those complications is when a

fairly small child answers the phone for a business call. "No, this isn't the Smith Company, this is my house" may throw a business associate

calling your "office" for a loop, temporarily. Most people react quite graciously to this, but it does point up the advantage of having a business number that rings only in your work area.

Getting temporary help

There may be more work at times than you and your family can do yourselves. Your volume of business Ideas may be greater on certain days of the week, certain times of the month, certain seasons of the year. At those times you may need extra help to handle the work. Or you might need a bookkeeper or secretary or clerk one week a month to help you keep up-to-date on your record keeping and paperwork.

When you need such help, the most convenient way to get it is to hire someone through an agency that provides temporary workers. Manpower and Kelly Girl, for example, are two of the best-known agencies in this field. Hiring through such an agency has these advantages: they will send a person who has the skills you require which means you won't waste time training the person. The worker they send understands that the job is temporary and won't make you uncomfortable by asking to be kept on permanently.

And, because the worker is employed by the agency (not by you) the agency takes care of the worker's payroll records, tax deductions, insurance coverage, fringe benefits, and so on. You are free from those responsibilities.

The right business for you

When selecting a home business Idea you should consider these factors:

Is the service or product you intend to provide already easily available in your area? If it is not available and if there appears to be a need for it, these factors are in your favor.

Consider all the things you own that might be used in some way as equipment for your business: a car or truck, a typewriter, a mimeograph machine, and so on. If you can use them, it will greatly lower your starting costs.

Is it a business Idea that suits your personality and tastes? One that you feel good about, that fires your imagination? It should be. Enthusiasm can be a priceless ingredient in the formula for success!

Home businesses Ideas that work

You must, of course, choose the home business idea that is right for you. There are many books that will give you long lists of potentially

money-making businesses for you to consider. A relatively short, but highly recommended, list of potential business ventures will be found in

another of this series of reports entitled 37 Instant Moneymaking Part-time Businesses.

Handwriting analysis by mail. A great little business idea to operate from home. First off, study up on the subject; it isn't too difficult to learn, and

it's interesting. You will find lots of books on the subject at your local public library.

Once you've started studying, you can start placing some small-space ads, in local papers, and in literary-type magazines, psychology

magazines, and wherever else you think you can find the people interested in having their handwriting analyzed. Then you just sit back and wait for the letters (and checks, money orders and plain old cash) to roll in. Be sure to keep a record of how much you get from which ad (by using a key, such as changing your middle initial in each ad), so you know which pull best.

After you get more confidence in making rapid analyses, you can even give personal consultations in your home if you want to do this.

Guaranteed lucky four-leaf clovers. It used to be that people thought they would be lucky if they found a four-leaf clover when they were walking in the fields. Now some smart farmer, who must also be a good businessman as well as a skilled plant biologist, has figured out a way to get exclusively mutants, so he can supply unlimited four-leaf clovers.

You can cash in on this handsomely by buying a quantity of them and embedding them in clear plastic casting resins and instructions can be

obtained at any hobby shop, in the form of key rings, brooches and paperweights or anything else you can create.

The real gimmick comes in the merchandising of them, because you should advertise them as guaranteed lucky genuine four-leaf clovers, with the slogan "If you don't get lucky in the next year with this genuine four-leaf clover, we'll give you your money back". Within a year most people have at least one good thing happen to them, so you will probably get very few requests for money back. Instead, you are likely to have lots of satisfied customers who feel that now they have finally gotten lucky, proving that the four-leaf clover worked! With this approach, and an attractive small-space ad, you ought to do well with four-leaf clovers.
Please Read and learn and if we can help with the right Business Idea and Opportunity For U Do Not hesitate to contact us.
Chrisjan Immelman