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Website Helps Entrepreneurs Find Success with an Internet-based Business Internet entrepreneur Chrisjan Immelman has launched a new website that is geared to helping highly motivated people find success with an Internet-based business. The website, www.JanibaDistributors.com, features the most successful businesses now being used by thousands of ordinary people worldwide. “You won’t get rich overnight with these businesses, but the earnings potential is unlimited,” Chrisjan states. In addition to businesses, Chrisjan also makes available high quality educational resources geared to helping entrepreneurs gain leverage in the home business industry. One such resource is “Dotcomology: The Science of Making Money Online” by Stone Evans, also known as the Home Biz Guy. The e-book is free to download from the site without obligation. Chrisjan is also offering a free one-year subscription to his daily newsletter, Home Business Tips. A $147 value, the newsletter contains valuable tips that can help any Internet entrepreneur succeed. For more information, go to: www.JanibaDistributors.com.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Distributing Proven Strategies to Increase Online Traffic For Your Business Ideas

Distributing Proven Strategies to Increase Online Traffic For Your Business Ideas

Do you have a website and business idea and opportunities up and running but still struggle to increase online traffic? Proven strategies to increase online traffic could provide you the mechanism for taking your business idea to whole new levels of success and growth – even in this tough economy. Increasing online traffic has quickly become a top searched topic on websites, and many leaders in the industry have turned their attention to this topic as one of the most important aspects to successful online business. Some studies suggest there are as many as thirty-six million websites online right now, but many of those sites are rendered useless because they do not effectively pull in traffic. Without traffic, or visitors to your site, you might as well have a term paper posted. No one is reading what you have to offer, and no one is buying what you have to sell. Below are some proven strategies for increasing your online traffic and, as a result, increasing your sales.

1. Partner up with bigger sites to run their advertising. Utilize free space on your website to sell this advertising to other companies that can drive traffic to your site. This approach is often considered a form of affiliate marketing, because your website becomes affiliated with another company’s products by virtue of running their ads. These ads increase traffic to your site because people searching for these companies or their products could be lead to your site simply because they advertised with you. This increases hits to your site, and also generates revenue for you when your customers follow through to their site.

2. Less formally, you can associate yourself with similar websites in your business niche. Finding similar businesses that do not directly compete and then exchanging advertising space can create a winning situation for all parties involved. Pairing yourself with reputable companies who have proven success lends credence to your own site and bolsters your reputation even as it drives up hits to your website.

3. Effectively utilize the services of mailing companies to get word out about your site through emails. Just as people used to send mailers through the U.S. postal service, online businesses are utilizing companies that send out mass emails. A professionally written and designed email can catch a reader’s eye and inspire them to click on your link and view what your business idea  has to offer. To avoid becoming junk mail, use a proven service with quality writers and designers.

4. Optimize your website with a mind towards the keywords people are using most often on search engines. Statistics show that websites who land higher on a results page tend to receive more traffic. These websites might pay for placement to a certain extent, but they also provide a high quality content to readers. If this process becomes confusing, you can hire a consultant to optimize your website and provide feedback to you for changes that might increase your ranking status.

These tips are the most basic ways that success online businesses are driving traffic tot heir own sites. Utilize these tried and true strategies to distribute and increase online traffic and your business ideas and opportunities will flourish.

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